====== I Am Sick Of People Being Sick Of My Shit ====== ===== Song Info ===== ==== Length ==== 3:11 ==== Year Released ==== 2011 ==== Versions/Releases ==== ===== Lyrics ===== I am sick of people being sick of my shit\\ If you are not into the wacky hi-jinks \\ Then why the hell are you into this?\\ Information wants to be free\\ Charged particles expand through space\\ Then bleed through greedy fingers\\ And explode in your face\\ I can't wait\\ I am sick of people being sick of my shit\\ Hope is motion man\\ If you ain't into this\\ Then we're real done with it\\ Options will multiply\\ We might die of starvation\\ But i will always have a drink\\ Please buy me a drink-\\ 'cause sound wants to be free\\ It wants to sing over everything\\ I know you've tried so hard to package joy\\ You try so hard to sell us things that are already ours\\ Like the bones in my ears\\ Like the air in my lungs\\ That delivers songs whistled carefree\\ I am sick of people being sick of my shit\\ So Happy Birthday\\ Sue away!\\ You feel you're being cheated\\ It's more that you're not needed\\ Isn't it bad enough i'm whistling a car commercial?\\ Your cut is nothing cause i gave it away\\ Tonight today, now!\\ 'cause sound wants to be free\\ It wants to sing over everything\\ I know you've tried so hard to package joy\\ You try so hard to sell us things which are already ours\\ Like the bones in my ears\\ Like the air in my lungs\\ And all the things you'll never know . . \\ ===== References ===== //Add any references the song makes to pop culture/history/etc. // ===== Additional Info ===== //Anything interesting about the track. //