====== One For The Witches! ====== ===== Song Info ===== ==== Length ==== 4:11 ==== Year Released ==== 1997 ==== Versions/Releases ==== * [[releases:the_true_story_of_the_bridgewater_astral_league|The True Story of the Bridgewater Astral League]] * [[releases:hallowmas_live_at_north_six|Hallowmas Live At North Six]] ===== Lyrics ===== You could become very dangerous\\ And I, I would really like it\\ This could become very serious\\ Man, it would be a laugh\\ And a kiss\\ All this\\ Like on the street\\ Where the kids yelled\\ 'What the hell are you supposed to be?'\\ At my sister\\ And my sister\\ She just smiled as she replied:\\ "Supposed to be? I never gave it any thought\\ Never gave a damn about what I'm supposed to be\\ But if you're asking what I am?\\ I'm a fucking walking question mark\\ I am a walking fucking time bomb!"\\ Then my sister, she smiled\\ And she turned and she walked away\\ Oh, my sister...\\ And those kids they just stood there and stammered\\ "And now you and I, I mean us\\ We're gonna live up to my sister's good example"\\ Do you know?(We know)\\ I mean, do you know?(We know)\\ Do you know?\\ We know! //[Repeated]//\\ You could become very serious\\ But I don't think that you'd like it\\ Cause all this, it is pretty dangerous\\ So hey, let's just laugh\\ And let's kiss\\ In spite of all this\\ We know! //[Repeated to fade out]// ===== References ===== //Add any references the song makes to pop culture/history/etc. // ===== Additional Info ===== //Anything interesting about the track. //