====== So Long To The Circus ====== ===== Song Info ===== ==== Length ==== 3:24 ==== Year Released ==== 2006 ==== Versions/Releases ==== [[releases:redeyed_soul|Red-Eyed Soul]] ===== Lyrics ===== Sometimes I miss the circus\\ But I know why I ran away\\ I stepped right out of that song while it played\\ I lit it like a stage and I gave it like a gift\\ What I got out of it is this\\ Be suspicious but friendly to your elders\\ Be friendly but suspicious to other circuses\\ Trust your friends even if you can't trust your friends\\ You've already agreed to travel with them\\ So long to the circus, so long to it all\\ I've always had a good sense of when it's time to get\\ I've always had a good sense of when it's time to get gone\\ When the police are about to arrive\\ When security steps in\\ Wave goodbye to the circus\\ Sometimes I miss the circus and the friends I made\\ I never would have left had you stayed\\ You left us like a stage that you'd outgrown\\ Leaving me stunned and all alone \\ So long to the circus, so long to it all\\ I've always had a good sense of when it's time to get\\ I've always had a good sense of when it's time to get gone\\ When the police are about to arrive\\ When security steps in\\ Wave goodbye to the circus\\ Wave goodbye to the circus, don't cry\\ It was just another circus, it was just your first time\\ You didn't know what you were doing\\ You couldn't know what you missed\\ What did you get out of this?\\ That Love is real, unstoppable\\ Actually a wild animal\\ Self-interested, amoral and cruel\\ And you got between it and food\\ So long to the circus, so long to it all\\ You should have a good sense of when it's time to get gone\\ When the police are about to arrive\\ When security steps in\\ Wave goodbye to the circus\\ It's time to get gone\\ ===== References ===== //Add any references the song makes to pop culture/history/etc. // ===== Additional Info ===== //Anything interesting about the track. //