====== Tarot Americaine ====== ===== Song Info ===== ==== Length ==== 3:57 ==== Year Released ==== 1997 ==== Versions/Releases ==== [[releases:the_true_story_of_the_bridgewater_astral_league|The True Story Of The Bridgewater Astral League]] ===== Lyrics ===== I believe in a world of endless possibility\\ I believe I'll have another cocktail please\\ Our tactics are vivid\\ They take a lot out of me\\ But thats what I signed up for son\\ I believe in a world of endless possibility\\ The Queen of Slaves my Mistress of Misdeeds\\ The Ripped Dress Debutante\\ The Stuttering Fool\\ I believe I am going to fuck you up\\ Oh yes I do\\ Oh shit\\ God damn\\ I will kill you if I can\\ Oh shit\\ Oh man\\ Maybe far away or maybe real nearby\\ I'll break your fucking back!\\ Spread the tarot and tell me what it reads\\ Our fathers were all soldiers\\ And we, we are all thieves\\ Our fathers were all borrowers\\ But the future belongs to me\\ The Snakecharmer\\ The Witch and The Moll\\ The Salem Mistress\\ J'adore\\ The Knight of Bridges\\ The Queen of Stars\\ Bartender\\ Ah shit\\ Yes man\\ Clever and dying, devil and cad\\ Oh shit\\ Ah man\\ Can you keep a secret? No you can't\\ Give me a minute of your valuable time\\ Bartender give me one more round\\ And let this sink into your tiny little mind\\ As sure as poison seeps up from the ground\\ We pursue a world of endless possibility\\ We pursue it to blow this one away\\ We follow the trumps of irrevocability\\ And we love every card we play!\\ How we play!\\ ===== References ===== //Add any references the song makes to pop culture/history/etc. // ===== Additional Info ===== * When played live, the lyrics from "and love every card..." are replaced with some lyrics from "Still" by Geto Boys: "Die, mother fucker, die mother fucker, kill"