===== Date ===== 08/05/2007 ===== Venue ===== Club Exit ===== Location ===== Brooklyn, NY ===== Supporting Acts ===== * Leftover Crack * The Degenerics ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== (second half of the set) http://www.flickr.com/photos/doug_glass/sets/72157601268779556/detail/ ===== Memories ===== * At the end of the show, Jack said, "We'll see you again next weekend." Though they didn't actually have a show coming up then, it didn't much matter, because we all knew that we would not need to wait long. Back then, we never did. -D¢ * What can I say, we weren't much more than a couple of young punks -MAX