===== Date ===== 07/18/2008 ===== Venue ===== Nexus ===== Location ===== Braunschweig, Germany ===== Supporting Acts ===== //Other bands or acts who played at that show// ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== //Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them// ===== Memories ===== * I came straight from a motorcycle trip to the North Cape and dragged my travel-companions with me. Nexus is an awesome venue with awesome people! I loved it over there. We arrived early, found a place to sleep within minutes, then ate some of the band's leftover food. I had a lengthy debate with one of the locals about whether it was vegan or not. I thought it was, she thought it wasn't. We both agreed it wasn't very good. I found out the new keyboardist had a beard. That didn't make any sense. The show was awesome because the crowd was nice and pretty and funny and danced their asses off. It was a sweaty show. Afterwards we climbed two fences to have a swim in the nearby lake. Just like the year before except there weren't yet any fences then. - Arno