===== Date ===== //Date of the show in month.day.year// ===== Venue ===== //Where the show took place// ===== Location ===== //City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA// ===== Supporting Acts ===== //Other bands or acts who played at that show// ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== //Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them// ===== Memories ===== //Memories you have of the show, signed with your name// Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist: Tattoos Fade Photos: Memories There were these two big, burly dudebros who looked markedly out of place, standing together with their arms crossed while the band was setting up. I watched as Jack walked by them with his guitar, and when he'd gotten out of earshot, one of them elbowed the other and muttered "dude... he smells SO. GOOD." I guess they were in the right place after all. This was the first tour I followed, and I just made new friends at each show and found rides to the next city and places to sleep on the fly. Bilmas was doing merch, and he helped me a lot by asking just about every person who came to the merch table if they were going to the show the following night, and if they could give me a lift. Also at this show, I was crowdsurfing during "Addicted to Bad Ideas" (no one else was really crowdsurfing at all), and when I tried to get down I accidentally ended up sitting on the shoulder of the biggest guy in the audience. He held me up for the rest of the song, and half the audience crowded around us. Afterwards, the kids I'd met took me to a diner called Coney Island. I gave them a bottle of wine, and they let me spray paint the walls of their apartment. - NN The bartender at this show was ten months pregnant and was smoking. I had a huge crush on her. - David Bilmas