===== Date ===== //Date of the show in month.day.year// ===== Venue ===== //Where the show took place// ===== Location ===== //City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA// ===== Supporting Acts ===== //Other bands or acts who played at that show// ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== //Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them// ===== Memories ===== //Memories you have of the show, signed with your name// Date: 08/01/2009 Venue: Westfalenpark, Juicy Beats Fesival, Grape Stage City: Dortmund State: Germany Supporting Acts: Later on this same stage some weird band in gold underwear and naked girls with rabbit ears played weird punk music , also, this cool german band Die Goldenen Zitronen Additional Info: Setlist: Tattoos Fade Ladies and Gentleman of the Road Photos: Memories I woke up in the hostel I had stayed in the night before and watched cartoons on the TV past my check out time, then hurried to the train station. I took the train from Koln to Dortmund, but was unsure when exactly to get off, but then these weird looking kids boarded the train and I figured I'd just follow them. It was the right decision, and not only did I get to the park but I got free smokes. We waited in line forever, and then I lied and said I was a musician and showed them my harmonica. I had sent my concertina home with my family a few weeks before as at 18, I didn't know if I could vouch for it's safety. I got in and ran around until I found the grape stage (each stage being named after a fruit). Inferno had just set up. I ran up just as Tats was starting and danced in the front of the crowd with my backpack on my back. Jack's third verse for Tats was Minnie the Moocher. I finally convinced the bouncers to let my stash it behind the fence after Tattoos was over. Peter Hess' face was very red and he seemed really drunk on stage. Jack kept making the "it's B-E-A-T beats, not B-E-E-T beets." Jack later asked Lucky if he had any words and Lucky said "Yeah, yeah, what's up. Fuck yeah, I'm so fucking high, I hope you are too. This song goes out to Dorsten (sic?) and also Greg and everyone who's been there for us on this tour, but uh, it's Dorsten's last day so uh, mosh it up." Then they played a scalding Ladies and Gentleman of the Road. This is all recorded on a bootleg and it makes me so happy when I hear it. Every time, so fucking happy. After the show I met Sebastian, and his friend who posts on the board, but I don't remember their names. I also met Myriam, who is friends with Konst. After Inferno played we wandered around the park and watched the mainstage final act, which was some band that had giant trampolines on either side of the stage that they swung between, and threw a giant inflatable life raft onto the crowd in which people were riding. Myriam yelled at some girl. We later took a train back to Munster, where Sebastian lived, and crashed in his roommate's room. I woke up later and Myriam was leaving, and later Sebastian left for his EMT job. I spent the day reading Woody Allen books that his roommate had on her floor to ceiling bookshelves as it rained outside. —Drew Entropy