===== Date ===== //Date of the show in month.day.year// ===== Venue ===== //Where the show took place// ===== Location ===== //City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA// ===== Supporting Acts ===== //Other bands or acts who played at that show// ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== //Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them// ===== Memories ===== //Memories you have of the show, signed with your name// Date:1.4.2011 Venue:Death By Audio City:Brooklyn State:New York Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist: Tattoos Fade Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/doug_glass/sets/72157625625483365/detail/ Memories Found out about this from Franz at one of his shows a couple months earlier. Sara BT was there, and I told her about it, which is basically how we went from acquaintances to friends. We met up at the show and shared some lovely dances. She would go on to introduce me to an impressive array of characters, of varying degrees of savoriness. Max and I had just gone to a High School Japanese class reunion with our adorable Sensei. We stopped by my place and suited up. For some reason we decided to take all my old computer parts to Union Square to recycle them, so two Well Dressed Punx (tm) wheeled a dolly piled 4 feet tall with broken electronics around the streets of New York. Annie Roberts was in town from Nairobi and caught the show. Things seemed right in the world, at least for the night. -D¢ That stupid fucking band Family Fun posted it on facebook and turned the show into a stuffy sauna. I remember one of the dude's stage banter bits was something like "I LOVE MONEY AND THE NEW YORK JETS, WOOOOOO." What a joke. Hated him and his hairy chest. This show was a big deal for me, however, because I was talking with Jack and said something like "in a day or two, I will have been around you guys for two years" and he gets a startled look and says that I'm wrong. He was right. Remembered how long I'd been around more than I had. Cheers. - [Leeah Swift] Hey, I love money and the New York Jets! And I hate secret shows! I should be friends with that guy! -D¢ David Siffert hates punk. True fact. - [Leeah Swift] I gave Leslie my goggles after she came up to me and started talking about steampunk. Also, this was the first time I got to talk to Franz, and he shared a sip of wine with me. - CaptLola Family Fun being the best live band of all time. - David Bilmas