===== Date ===== //Date of the show in month.day.year// ===== Venue ===== //Where the show took place// ===== Location ===== //City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA// ===== Supporting Acts ===== //Other bands or acts who played at that show// ===== Additional Info ===== //Other interesting info about the show// ===== Setlist ===== //Which songs were played, if known// ===== Photos ===== //Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them// ===== Memories ===== //Memories you have of the show, signed with your name// Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist: Tattoos Fade Photos: all of my Spring Break Everything photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/doug_glass/sets/72157626272073473/ Memories This show was so damn hot. After the main set was over, the band and the crowd looked at each other and, without speaking, all agreed that an encore was just not needed. - Doug G Afterwards Leslie was doing flaming hulahoops while Drew played the concertina. It was rather nice. - Doug G Both the aforementioned things are true. I got picked up from the airport by Johnny Midnight, who I didn't really know at the time, and was driven to his house where everyone else was. We sat around for a bit drinking from Johnny's 4 foot tall bottle of Johnny Walker Red, then began to get ready for the show. I had brought my dress to wear to some shows and then seemed like as good a time as any. I was bummed because my corset was still in Atlanta, but this ended up being fortuitous, as the show was really, really fucking hot. The venue was in some kind of garage that looked like a storage garage and was new, I believe this was the first or second show. There were no windows and no air conditioning besides this giant fan, but that didn't do shit. I spoke to Jack before hand and he asked me what else to put on the setlist. I told him Glamour Ghouls, and he winced and told me that was one song they hadn't learned as a full band yet. I think there might have been drugs distributed before the show, but soon the first band went on, and it was very much in Leslie's vein. The venue was already super hot so I stayed outside for much of that set. Finally inferno went on, and during the set even the crustiest of crust punks went outside to get air after only like two songs. There was no encore needed, but I think we called for one anyways. We went out into a very chilly night relative to the inside and the opening band began performing circus acts to which Leslie joined in with her fire hoop and I joined in with my concertina. After that finished, a girl in a red dress came up and spoke to me, and then kissed me, and I hadn't realized she was going to do that and I got confused and never asked her name. I don't know if I'll ever see her again. We went back and fell asleep on Johnny's floor. —Drew Entropy