Table of Contents


Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade

Photos: all of my Spring Break Everything photos:


Met Murphy for the first time in real life. - Doug G

Matt's solo durinng Weimar made Jack do a double take: “Are you fucking kidding me?!?” It was that good. - Doug G

Before the show some Jack Daniels girls were giving away either a tshirt or a ticket to an upcoming Gogol Bordello show if you ordered a Jack drink and answered a trivia question, the answer to which was on their shirts. They offered it to Jack and as soon as her heard GB mentioned he waved it off and backed away, “Whoa…oh no. Not…uh…not happening” (or something like that) - Doug G

I was very sad at this show for reasons I will not get into, but I got dropped off at this show by Taylor's Mom after having hung out and got dinner with Taylor beforehand. I had just flown down from Chicago after seeing Godspeed You! Black Emperor and making Anna Klebine's roommate's dogs sick after having met Anna for the very first time, (which was awesome by the way, because Anna is sincerely an amazing person,) and I wasn't sure I was going to get in as I was 20 at the time and it was supposed to be a 21 plus show. I talked to Jack beforehand and he said he would get me in as they loaded in, but that ended up not being necessary as I soon realized there was no one at the front door and the guy at the venue door wasn't checking IDs. The venue itself was pretty decent, but it was one of those places that inexplicably has a column in the middle of the dance floor, so that was annoying. First human pyramid I was a part of, a pretty substantial one and there are photos of it. I can confirm that the aforementioned Matt Landis piano solo was awesome. It started out normal, but somewhere got crazy intense and the band kind of dropped a couple of beats paying attention to it. Afterwards, I had my first conversation with Leslie when she pulled me out of the crowd to introduce me to someone she was speaking to as a reference for what she meant when she said “frontier punk”. I bought 2 copies of Feral Solution and got Mora's Broken Drumstick (1d4 piercing damage, crit x2, range increment —, weight 1 lb, +2 charisma modifier), then was given a ride to Taylor's house where I passed out dazed on a mattress and woke up the next morning with no one home and someone having put a blanket over me. I had no ride to jacksonville that night so I resolved to figure out how to get to Miami, which ended up being a ride from doug as well. This time on a plane! —Drew Entropy