Table of Contents


Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date:4.2.2011 Venue:Sluggos City:Pensacola State:Florida Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade

Photos: all of my Spring Break Everything photos:


Wow, where even to start? We arrived in Pensacola early and checked into our hotel. Nicola went to swim in the pool, while Tasha and I were getting ready. I'm in the bathroom when Tasha knocks on the door, panicked: “DAVID! WE NEED TO HELP NICOLA!” I rush out, and we peer out the window and see a dude masturbating in the hot tub. And Nicola leaving the pool, walking over to that hot tub. Tasha shouts, “DON'T GO IN THERE!!” The dude looks super embarrassed, and Nicola just looks confused. “WHY NOT?” “JUST TRUST ME! WE'LL BE RIGHT DOWN!!” By the time we got down there, the dude was gone. We all went in the pool, and when a pack of the frattiest dudebros and their ladyfriends walked right into that hot tub… well let's just say we didn't stop them. The show itself was super weird. All the punx were hanging out outside the club, and we started talking to them. I was asked if I was Jewish a couple times. “I've never met a Jew before!” They were nice about it, at least. There was one black guy, and he walked up to everyone, went on a borderline racist tirade, and left. Almost none of the kids actually went into the show, despite its only costing $5 (and the band themselves walking out and encouraging them to come in). We were assured later that this was totally typical. We picked flowers before the set, and threw the petals during Younger Man instead of confetti. I tried to do some maneuver during Rat that failed spectacularly, culminating in my failing to do a handstand on Nicola's shoulders by climbing the wall. After the show, the few kids who actually came to the show were really nice, but they seemed just as star-struck to meet Infernites as to meet the band. So that was pretty surreal. In fact, the whole thing was incredibly surreal, and I'm not entirely convinced Pensacola is a real place. -D¢