Table of Contents


Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date:5.14.2011 Venue:Port City Music Hall City:Portland State:Maine Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



I had to work on the 14th (Saturday) and the 15th (Sunday), so I decided to drive 6 hours (each way) to Maine for a show in between. Of course, I don't know how to drive, nor do I have a car, so I had to recruit Danielle to drive and convince Sara to lend us her car. Drew hitched a ride too. The venue had the flimsiest of barricades, and it kept falling over. Certainly didn't stop anyone from doing anything. Bilmas used the bouncer's head to help him crowd surf, and Konstantin has a great picture of it somewhere. Seth, Zack's twin was there, but no one knew Zack had a twin, so we were all really confused why Zack wasn't talking to us. It started POURING on the way back, and we stopped at Boston, so I could take a bus home to make it to work the next day while Danielle and Drew continued on. I couldn't go to sleep, because my bus left in like an hour, and no amount of alarms would wake me up, so I made my friend/host stay up with me. I have literally never been so tired in my life, and I kept falling asleep while we were talking. That said, I made it to work the next day, and the Judge had no idea I'd ever left. -D¢