Table of Contents


Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date: October 29, 2011 Venue: The Met City: Pawtucket State: RI Supporting Acts: The Swaggering Growlers Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



The triumphant return of Steven Pid. The bouncers dragged him out into the only snowstorm we had. He latched onto a stranger thinking that would be a deterrent. He got back in. - David Bilmas

Bouncers tried to kick me out too. As they are pulling me out, I see big Clay Davis come bounding for me. “I'm saved,” I think to myself. He bounds right up, hands me the “No Stage Diving” sign he tore off the wall, and frolics off. But Torrie covered me up, Lindsey Pregent took a punch for me and knocked over two bouncers, and Bilmas dragged me back to the pit. -D¢

My first bloody nose. A giant group of kids fell/got knocked over. Nicola, amongst others, proceeded to pull them back up, fearing what would be on the bottom- it ended up being me. As she stared at me in shock, I jumped up, put my hand to my nose, looked at it covered in blood, and said “Weee my first bloody nose,” winked and smiled at her and kept dancing. Relieved, she proceeded to get me napkins. Somehow my Poison Ivy gloves do not have a speck of blood on them. -Danielle

Every drunk person in the room became completely sober enough to do a creepy dance during “Millicent” then immediately returned to being drunk after the song ended. -Danielle

Every 15 minutes Clay Davis would pop up and either hand me a drink or glitter-bomb me. Consequently, by the end of the show I'd ingested WAY more than the recommended daily dose of glitter. Wasn't about to let perfectly good gin and tonics go to waste! I still can't quite figure out how he kept getting the drinks… the bar definitely cut him off. -Brendan Furey

I wish I had any 'memories' about this show to post. It was snowing, I didn't know anyone, I photobombed Nicola, then I got cut off? Oh yeah, and I threw a big thing of glitter right in Jack's face that he couldn't get off for the the whole rest of the tour! Yes! That'll teach that jerk. AND THEY PLAYED MILLICENT! - Clay

I made pinatas for this show. It made me really happy to see people wearing plastic spider rings and blowing bubbles in the pit. :) -Sbenj