Table of Contents


Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Secret Show for Ingo Ebeling's 50th Birthday - was advertised as the nonexistent “Rock Fest” in Kassel Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



I already promised some people to stay at zoro fest the entire weekend, but still wasted hours of my life internet searching to this non-existent festival. I'm fine with secret shows, but don't deliberately put false info on the schedule to keep a secret, because that's just fucking impolite to your normal non-privileged fans.. you know.. the people that pay for most of your food. I know it's a culture thing, but I had to hear some stories about how “impolite” germans and eastern europeans were - while they were probably entirely honest and telling you what they thought. I personally prefer that kind of impoliteness. - Arno