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Song: The Expatriate Act Length: 3:03 Year Released: 2004 Versions:

Rock Against Bush, Vol. 1

Lyrics: What America do I live in if not this one? and what do they think they are exporting? it's not me. This land is my land where ever I stand only that money belongs to thee.

The riot of history, our history of riots and the life you've stangled out of the word 'free' Liberty ain't an airport in Newark and towers don't need to be free. You drop the 'e' in equality something nice in a high end catalogue never sent to the likes of me. This land is my land where ever I stand, what god has made let no man lease.

Some of the phrases in that rhetoric you're stuttering must mean the opposite to you than it does to me. yeah being scared and confused i guess is a part of freedom is that what you wanted me to get out of that speech? Is there another America than the one I live in & why do i get their TV? This land is my land and you should understand that when you say 'we'.

Oh say do you see that the America you live in is not this one and that you don't protect or represent me. This land is my land but from where i stand outside the gated communities I can see there is another America than the one I live in and what they're exporting is me this land is my land, where ever I stand See you in the funny papers, or in the penitentiary. this land is my land and I mean goddamn you're embarrassing me.


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Quote from music page on, “World/Inferno joins the ephemera of current events. Someday, after this election, when the war is over and fascism is defeated we'll look back at this and think it's cute. Meanwhile, we're freaks, we're americans—your government does not define this country, we do. Get out of office.”

Jack thought that bands were writing new songs for this release all on the them, but instead every band just gave a B-Side from whatever project they were working on.