



Starlight Ballroom


Philadelphia, PA

Supporting Acts

  • R.A.M.B.O.
  • Paint It Black
  • Kill The Man Who Questions
  • Caustic Christ
  • Dropdead
  • Witch Hunt

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


  • Peter Lorre
  • Tattoos Fade
  • Fiend In Wien
  • Thumb Cinema
  • “M” Is For Morphine
  • The Brother Of The Mayor Of Bridgewater
  • Cathy Catharine
  • Addicted To Bad Ideas
  • The Velocity Of Love
  • So Long To The Circus


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


  • Someone in the crowd blew fire during Inferno's set, for the last time that I can remember. Premiere of Cathy Catherine. R.A.M.B.O.'s set was beyond ridiculous… riding a dolly cart around the pit, pretending it was a horse… -D¢
  • I believe that “someone blowing fire” was Justin Toxicated. This show killed my point-and-shoot; apparently the sweaty humidity in the air short-circuited it. It was a blessing in disguise, though… gave me an excuse to buy my first DSLR two days later. There was some sort of vegan potluck going on as well, where I had my first Tofu Pup smothered in ketchup. — Margot
  • Also, on the way to this show, we saw some dude casually riding his bicycle onto the highway. -D¢