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New York, NY

Supporting Acts


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The kind of secret show where all the hipsters knew about the show, but Inferno was never announced to play


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


  • My main memory of this show is hanging out with Freddie Madball and Brendan Small upstairs. I think Sheena Bilmas got more out of it than I did. -D¢
  • This is some yearly pre-cmj thing that happens via a PR company. The Rebel was briefly a punk club kind of and does still exist. There are dancer cages hanging from the ceiling which Dan Utano jumped off of at a Sticks & Stones reunion there. Too many bands played this bill. Tons of “promotional” stuff at this event so i left with a $700 jacket. Winter was nice that year. - Sheena
  • The evening of this show, I got a phone call telling me to go to an address in Manhattan, and I changed my clothes and ran out the door. I was still living deep in the southern regions of Brooklyn at the time, so it was a long subway ride, and I was afraid I was going to miss Inferno. When I got to the door, they turned me away because it was a private party, and I was incredibly disappointed. I told the girl at the door “aw, I just wanted to see Inferno.” Immediately her whole attitude changed, and she told me to go right in, like I'd given her a secret password. During Tattoos Fade, Jack climbed on Matt Invisosuit's shoulders and rode him around the audience. He tried to get up into the dancer cages at one point too, but Brainy was already inside with his camera. - N.N.