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6th Avenue


New York, NY

Supporting Acts

  • World/Inferno Disco Society (now that's what I'm talking about)
  • DJ Julio

Additional Info

Village Halloween Parade


Which songs were played, if known



  • I was super stressed out, because I had tickets to the show for a lot of my friends, and my phone was dying. Dano started headwalking before the floats started moving. Someone complained about it, but I just laughed. I wasn't laughing as hard during the main set, when Dano stepped right on the center of my face. -D¢
  • I couldn't find the float. I also did not attend the later show due to the dude I was dating. Word to the wise: If the person you're dating makes you choose between Inferno and them- dump them and go to the show. -Danielle
  • I found the float, then my girlfriend wanted to leave, so I let her leave. I stayed there, then I got lost in new york (home alone 2 style), then I went to the next entry in this wiki. - [unsigned]
  • The Inferno/Z100 float combination was hilarious. This was fun. -Erixa
  • fun but stupid. I was wearing the dumbest superman costume ever (t-shirt, bad wig, chuck taylors for boots, red shorts, blue thermals, etc.) and some local TV channel interviewed me on my way there. i babbled about Krypton and the Great Pumpkin. We had to wait way to long for the parade to start. I met up with Maxine and Heidi, got some booze (I got Jack for me and Johnny for Jack). Eventually the everyone else got there. I met Christine Elise and Nick for the first time. We were stuck between the Inferno/Z100 float and some Coney Island Roller Rink. The DJs on each float were thowin' it back and forth like something out of Zoolander. It was way too loud. The whiskey ran out and then you had to pee (under the float). Early on, some girl puked on my arm and let. It wasn't a lot but fucking gross. I grabbed her bottle of water and used it to wash it off. She obviously needed it more than me but she puked on me so too bad. I met Taylor (from Atlanta) for the first time around 8th street. She really needed a bathroom. I needed one too and Rat told her I was perfectly safe to go off with. We found a deli that would let you use the bathroom if you bought something. I bought us beers. She didn't want one so I drank both (yeah…counterproductive). We met up with everyone as the parade ended and got on the subway to get to the Masonic Temple. - Doug G
  • This was my first Inferno show after having been into them since 05. I had recently got a job and realized I could afford to fly in for the night. I spent 40 something on the tickets and 300 something on the plane tickets. I flew in at like 6 in the morning after getting no sleep from being so excited. My uncle who is a pilot met me at the airport and brought me to the pilot's crash pad. We went to Manhattan to find the parade and split up after a little while, (I got a call from him later halfway through the parade, “This is the best parade ever!” He somehow got to be carrying one of the giant skeletons you might have seen.) I frantically searched the streets but then turned a corner and ran right into it. Hess was asking DanO to help him set up. I leaned against a tree and tried to pick out kids from the board I knew. Moments later Jack strolled up and introduced himself to me, making him the first person from the “inferno scene” that I met. I gave him a copy of the Great Pumpkin peanuts strip I had clipped from the Minneapolis Star Tribune earlier that morning. He gave me his whiskey then walked off. I guess I gave it back later. Then I drank out of the pumpkin vessels that were being passed around and worried that my first inferno show would be ruined retroactively after I returned home and found out I had caught some communicative disease from the pumpkins. That didn't happen. The parade got underway but we got stuck in between a dance float and inferno's float so Viglione played dance beats along with the music being pumped from the dance float. Their first song was Fiend in Wein and I was really excited because that was in the top 5 songs I had hoped to hear. Then I started making out with the girl who later puked on Doug (see above). We're still friends. Sam Gurske used my face as a balancing point so he could stage dive and cracked all my vertebrae. I was worried that in addition to a communicable disease I would also get a broken back. I didn't really mind. That also didn't happen. The show was great, I met Taylor in passing, (later we waltzed to Heart Attack at the Temple, my first Heart Attack waltz.) Jack eventually unplugged the DJs from the radio station that was running the float because they kept interrupting the songs. After the parade ended I used my Doctor Who scarf to keep everyone together as we went to the Temple. 1st grade survival skills are important. I still tell people we stole the float and set it on fire. —Drew Entropy
  • I brought those pumpkin vessels! So much easier to get away with drinking on the street when your cocktail is contained in a festive kiddy-cup. I still have a few, actually. One of the best memories of my life is floatdiving and then crowdsurfing under the stars, looking up at the Empire State Building and singing my heart out. These are the best moments. —NN
    • P.S. I just remembered Ryan Sane was dressed in costume as a gloryhole, with a giant member that dispensed liquor. He helped keep those pumpkin vessels refilled. No wonder poor Drew thought he was gonna catch a communicable disease.