

Date of the show in


Where the show took place


City and state if in USA, City and country if outside USA

Supporting Acts

Other bands or acts who played at that show

Additional Info

Other interesting info about the show


Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



One of the best shows I've ever seen. Can't pinpoint why but it was just a blast. More later. -Doug G

Taylor had come to visit a few nights before and we went to the show. Someone told me that there were Infernites in the bar part of the Triple Rock, and so we went outside and went in the other door, somehow getting past the bouncers who are usually really strict about IDing people there. Dominick was super excited to see me, and I believe this was where I met Tasha for the first time. We went outside and spoke with Doug, and Doug introduced me to Bill Cashman. We went in as Inferno was starting and Cashman ran backwards into the pit. I stagedove for Models, and my friend was there taking pictures. His girlfriend was very, very drunk. Someone got Taylor and I drinks, and later after the show we took a cab to my friend's house and picked up our bikes and went back to my parents. We slept in the basement and the next day was Easter. My family used to, at the very least, go to church on Easter, and my Mom hadn't missed an Easter Mass for 20 years. Taylor being there broke that tradition. We took her to the airport so she could make it home instead. My third (if you count the Parade and the Temple Hallowmas shows as being different) show. —Drew Entropy