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Date of the show in


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Supporting Acts

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Additional Info

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Which songs were played, if known


Photos of the show, if you have the rights to share them


Memories you have of the show, signed with your name

Date: Venue: City: State: Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade

Tarot Americaine

Heart Attack '64

The Naughty Little Rat Makes New Friends

Bridgewater Astral League

Thumb Cinema

Addicted to Bad Ideas

Me V. The Angry Mob

The Velocity of Love

So Long to the Circus



Sick as hell for this show, which impeded on my fun greatly. Made cookies before the show and the door guy said I couldn't bring them in… so I handed them out to everyone. I think I met TJ for the first time by doing this. Favorite part of the night was when Sab requested that random band members accompany us for dinner at Broadway Diner, and the hilarious responses she got from it. — Margot

During the buildup of “Naughty Little Rat,” I pulled myself up onto the bar by one of the beertaps, then sprinted down the length of the bar and launched onto the crowd just as the song hit the fast part. That felt amazing. - Nick Nonesuch

Dano and I did synchronized front flips off the bar in the middle of the room during 'tarot'. We are champion stage divers. - David Bilmas

Waltz'd with Jack during Heart Attack. …also, something is very, very wrong with us. - Eugene