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Date:8.7.2009 Venue:Adelphi City:Hull State:England Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



Upon our arrival, we discovered that Hull was the teenage pregnancy capital of the UK, the drug addiction capital of the UK, and the amputee capital of the UK. But it was nonetheless a great spot to join up with the tour — after one day in Hull, literally every other British accent was easily intelligible, including Glaswegian. Probably relatedly, I was told at this show by a fellow concertgoer that I had the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard. -D¢

The girl I waltzed with fainted just after the last chord, I hope not from my body odour. Beautiful, beautiful Hull… went for a stroll along the river the next day. I have seen garbage dumps prettier than that. Despite all the Hull-bashing, a good time was had by all… and hey, there was a 24 hour Tesco's next to our hotel. - J

There was one teenage girl there who was kind of grinding her way across everyone on the dance floor. It was kind of like Salome doing the dance of the seven veils, only set at a middle school dance. Statistically, she now has two kids and one leg. -MAX