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Date:4.1.2011 Venue:The Orpheum City:Tampa State:Florida Supporting Acts: Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade

Photos: all of my Spring Break Everything photos:


Flew in super early, well before Doug & co. arrived. Wandered around Tampa basically forever, fully suited, with all my bags. And boy was it hot. At one point I tried to make a particularly long walk from the Children's Museum to Ybor City. It started nice enough, walking up by the water. Then I casually strutted, suit, bags, and all, through the ghettoest ghetto I've ever seen in my life. I think people were too confused even to harass me. I just got suspicous nods. Finally got to Ybor, and there still wasn't anyone around. I hung out at the record shop, and they were super nice. They directed me to the arcade, and I beat Tekken Tag Tournament pretty quickly. Then headed to the venue, where I met Jasmine Connor for the first time — she nicely let me store my stuff in her car. I also met Drew Smith, who made an impressive first impression. Or two. -D¢

The aforementioned suit and bag included a bowtie and an old time leather suitcase. He was quite dapper, like a young Matlock.

Ybor City is a name TSR would come up with for a location in Faerun, and were it not for the palm trees and the heat, the cobblestone streets and elegant streetlamps would be reminiscent of victorian london or america in it's formative years. We stole everything from the guest store at the hotel, not realizing the “complimentary” sign referred specifically to the one item you were allotted after you checked in. Regardless, though, it meant we got drunk before the show for free. The rooms were significantly nicer than I anticipated. I also met David Siffert, who made an impressive first impression. Or his suit. The venue was a short walk down the road, and outside there was a guy who seemed like he wanted to get in, but was unsure, so I paid for his cover. I learned later he had a shoe fetish as shortly after inside he began licking mine, and later Landis'. From people who attended the show, he was apparently a common feature. I was 20 at the show and there was a no reentry policy for minors so having a lot of time to kill I had conversations with Greg, Gena, and Jack, and was reissued a Leslie rose by the eponymous individual. The opening band was pretty good and while I don't remember their name, I do remember no one was dancing, so I went and opened the proverbial pit. Got a couple kids to stage dive as well. I had to hide my concertina because the venue had a weird thing about bags and I wasn't about to leave mine at the hotel. When inferno got on stage the crowd increased substantially. I stage dove to probably Models and in the crowd there were two tall guys, significantly taller than the rest of the crowd. When I was caught by them, they did the natural crowd surfing thing and passed me sideways to the next people, but because they were so much taller, I just got thrown into open air. I helicoptered and landed in a really cool pose on one knee, but it happened to be the knee I had busted open when I fell walking my dog back in minneapolis and the new fall reopened the wound. I bled for the rest of the show. I cleaned up after the encore and came out to find a girl I had noticed earlier on was waiting to speak with me, and I learned that who I assumed had been her girlfriend was just her friend. Very much just her friend, in fact, and we went back to the hotel for a while and I finished my whiskey I got from Johnny Midnight's house. When David said “or two” he is making a joke, referring to this incident. After a while we went down to the other hotel room, and later they went to their car, but Jessie had left her phone in the hotel room and so I brought it down and wished her off. She's really really cool, actually, hitchhikes around a lot, and works her summers in Denali State Forest in Alaska training sled dogs. I went back up and for my indulgences was only able to find a spot to sleep on the floor. —Drew Entropy