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Date:10.16.2011 Venue:The Forum City:Buffalo State:New York Supporting Acts: Crack Horse and others. Additional Info: Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



My first trip to Wegman's courtesy of Bilmas. Rugelach 4 life. A friendly nice race around the track out back, culminating in a red rover attempt gone horribly awry… at least for Leslie. (I don't like to lose.) -D¢

About few months later I was at C watching the Chandaliers (Semra's latest band), the Growlers and What Cheer Brigade. After the Chandaliers, some guy looking a bit like Stza told me I played a good set. I thanked him but had to correct him that it was actually another stocky bald guy with thick glasses. He started to apologize and I said, “it's cool. don't worry. we look alike. I mean, you look a lot like the singer of this band from Buffalo called Crack Horse.” “Oh yeah…that's my band”. I laughed and told him they were pretty good, which they were. -Doug G

Fun fact: I was living in Buffalo at the time and went to this show, but I did not know the current batch of Infernites. And I was too nervous to introduce myself. You can see me in the background of one of Doug G's pictures, not at all worried about the crowd surfer near my head. I'm in a blue Descendents shirt. I just realized that I've had that shirt for a long time. -D.J. B