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Date:11.5.2011 Venue:Auditorium Shores City:Austin State:Texas Supporting Acts:Touche Amore, Paint It Black, the Damned, Wugazi… Slayer, Danzig, Public Enemy, Kid Dynamite… Additional Info:Three-day fest Setlist:

Tattoos Fade



Eoin (Ion to you) and I were the only Inferno people there, but the crowd seemed to love it. No one was doing chain-crowd surf-launching like they did during Paint It Black, and the dust was so bad bandanas/construction masks were a necessity, but at one point there was a hug dog pile of hugs in the pit, with about 15 people piled on. We had picked up pocketfulls of acorns before Inferno started, hoping they would play Younger Man, but they didn't, so I left this show with pockets literally full of acorns. The Damned closed out the day in breathtaking fashion. -D¢